If Scawen was a spender man his money would ends fast and he would start thinking more commercially and doing cute things* faster than today.
In fact any cute thing he or Eric did would be faster than today, once we have nothing new for two years now.
I wonder if in fact he thinks commercially, keeping the major progress for when the game sells start falling down.
That is too much time without any graphical improvement, neither new effects or any other those cute things that a few say that is not important but everybody loves.
*cute things: breakable windshields and lights, losing wheels, rain, night tracks, better cockpits and so on...
Please, I need to join a few information in short time to provide a good presentation of LFS in a great local site of simracing here in Brazil, so I have some question that I'd like to see answered asap, please, if it is possible.
I know that there is a lot of this kind of information distributed in many sites, but I came here to save my time that is not that much
1 - When this project start?
2 - Who started? The three guys, less, more?
3 - How many licenced S2 users we have today?
As I advance in the text, maybe new questions appear, so I'll back here, not just to read the answers, but probably to ask more
I don't know, but LFS cars sound as LFS cars, and this patch V is enough for a while.
I guess you got the way, so let the time goes. Ideas come and go, and time is important to take them best.
For now I thing it is enough.
I hope Scawen take time to improve aero physics and Eric do new tracks.
That is the most important thing for now I presume. The sounds can be better, they will be improved, but for now is enough. Lets take care of others things... after the restless is done
and it is serious, and I had said before, I got a worm when I dl patch u34 from England server. I was using Kapersky and it alerted the intruder after LFS dl the patch.
Scawen, I don't know if you had time to see, or to consider my sugestion about loudness increase as engine rotation and/or car velocity grows.
If so, what are your considerations about this and if you have any counterpoint to this idea, or if it has been implemented yet, could you express your opinion, please?
It is important for us to know if we are helping or not, and if the ideas and the discussion is under a objective line.
Why do you think you know more than me about "everything LFS stands for"?
Do a simple test: at midnight or later go to garage and start your car. The neighborhood won't complaint.
Then start accelarating you car at 3000 rpm. Maybe someone in the house in front of you get out the bed and go to the window see what is happening.
But, not enough, you are not happy, down you gas pedal to the metal and wait for 10 minutes, and probably the people from downstreet will come to your house to hit you, or maybe they just call the police.
If you never realize that sounds increase with the rotation, so your ears are dirty.
One is about "I'd like to block the mouse/kb users in certains league races".
Other, and that is not my topic, but yours, is "Why there are so much WRs under mouse/kb controllers".
For the first one, that is a desire mine and from others. Mouse/kb players can put their fear down cause we are not starting a sub-players chase era.
Oh!... he said sub-players... why? Well, think by yourselves.
About the second question, why there are so much WRs using mouse/kb:
1 - Mouse waste less energy from the player body to same number of laps he does. That is because it is lighter, and has no force feedback. Less energy waste, less tiredness, more eficience, more hours of training.
2 - Mouse, using just one hand and few fingers, being more next to the brain than the feet, is faster in its reactions. And using just hand and fingers, not arms, and feet. And its travell is short, minimun right/left movement...
3 - Mouse/kb allows you to assume any position in your chair. Wheel/pedals obligates to maintain a right position, without variation. It is too a way to stress your body less with mouse than with wheel.
4- Being lighter and faster, with no ffb and less waste, you just need to get use with it.
(there are others reason, but I have no patience to explain now)
I understand that to use a mouse is a situation that a player can get use, but it is not the intention for always of nobody. Who likes simulation, use a mouse only while he can´t buy a wheel.
BTW, 90% of the "LFSensation" is about force feedback. Without ffb you don't know what LFS is. Sorry, if you don'y have a wheel, you should run and buy one. After that you will play a new game, believe.
In the most of the cases, kb and mouse LFS players are faster than wheel, and I won't discuss that.
I'm talking about simulation. You are able to choose if you want or if you dont want to use a mouse, but in some cases I'd like to set a server just for wheel racer drivers.
If you don't see the point, I'm not the one that will try to explain, I won't discuss that too.
I just want this feature, if it is not too much work to implement (I guess it isn't). It is a sugestion, useful for too many...
We don't need modifications on the actual tracks, neither new layouts of them. We need new enviroments, new chalenges, for more completed championships.
Eric does a good work. Maybe with a half dozen of colaborators, he could do more in less time.
I'm one between many here that dont want to see LFS open to modders. Oh no God, everything but not that.
But a little help of a few good colaborators could accelerate this loooooooooong wait...